You've never seen a birthday cake before? Brent Chapman , who played Paul Hayes , previously played Ed in 2. Season 8 Episode 3. Then Dean finds a box of old letters, all addressed to Betsy and signed the same way, "Me. In that time, Brick himself had changed -- inside. Sam remembers a birthday picnic with Amelia. Jogger as Sean Maclean Darryl Quon supernatural s8e3

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Dean implies that they may have been sharing the bedroom, and Sam is disgusted.

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What's that tell us? I took the time to enjoy the good things. I became freaking Xena, Warrior Princess.

Yeah, that makes sense. Paul Hayes Aaron Pearl He also notices an email to Sam from a university, answering questions about admissions.

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I had a year off. Dean- Dean is back in the game! Sam says that maybe Dean would be better off alone, not having to explain himself to anyone, and Dean gets annoyed by the brushoff.

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It may even be compelling them to perform the ritual. Their argument is interrupted by a phone call from the doctor in Ames, who confirms for Dean that Arthur's eye and Paul's kidney both came from the same person. When Dean checks the news from six months ago, he finds another victim in Ames, two days after the first Minneapolis murder. Goofs When Dean and Sam are in the room full of sporting memorabilia, Sam refers to a cricket bat as a supernatuural mallet".

Edit Cast Episode cast overview: Then I had the surgery. Retrieved from " http: Once they're gone, Eleanor is surprised by Randa, who came in the back door to avoid them. They find two closets: You must think I'm a monster. Sounds like babble to me. I couldn't dissect a frog in high school. Trivia In the scene when Sam and Dean investigate about the murder of a cop in the police station, the flag for the state of Iowa can be seen.

Seeing as I have so many other brothers I can talk to about this stuff. Also, although a likely suspect, he could not have committed the murder in Minneapolis because he was testifying in court.

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What do you got? Detective Pike Brent Chapman It was shot before the two previous episodes in order to allow Jensen time for preparation. Dean guesses that it goes back much farther than that: While Sam shops for produce at a farmer's market, Dean reads news stories on his cell phone.

Back at their motel room, Sam researches the names of four men whose sports trophies were in Brick's hidden room. A dark supernaturl rises up around her, and her own heart glows red in her chest. After the hunt, Dean is on a high, but Sam quickly derails his good mood.

This is what she was wearing today when we talked to her. Her death echoes spernatural Paul and Jimmy, killing them as well.

The newest looking letter starts, "So tired of it all.
