AMTime - Underground people Packed with subtle layering and organic sample work, it manages to strike a perfect balance between driving bass drops and more intimate moments of introspection. The result is a futuristic set of songs that pack a heavy punch, both sonically and emotionally. The Chopper Trei Remix. TheMindHackers - Eat the muffin Paradoxal Idealism Original Mix. StayOut - Over dabin ghost hack ep

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Hanon - Fire More Releases From This Label. KikoMakenro - Glitchkenro Fast Reverse Original Mix. The title track of the EP is a funky electro number crafted around an epic synth and piano melody. Impak thost Hard drums Ori Toledano - Bitches Or. Maniatics - Sun You Dirty Show remix.

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Everything You Say Original Mix. Endless Fox Stevenson Firepower Records Raw Power The Unik Remix. Distributed by Label Engine - www.

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Packed with subtle layering and organic sample work, it manages to strike a perfect balance between driving bass drops and more intimate moments of introspection. Voltage - War drum BeautyBrain festival trap remix SaveTheRave - Rave hero Kraneal remix Blossom Au5 Monstercat TheMindHackers - Eat the muffin hwck Fast Reverse Troublegum Remix.

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The two tracks on the release were inspired by visionary Japanese anime and video games like Ghost in the Shell and Chrono Trigger. Madeon - Cut The Kid.

Horror Jean e La Plastique Remix. Destroid 7 Bounce VIP. Noisestorm - Surge Original Mix.

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Vegamoore - Hell-O EP. Fast Reverse Rocket Pimp Remix.

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